Harvest has begun!
This is the field directly in front of our house. This morning @ 3, DH awoke to swath. He thought this field might take 5 hours- but it was not as thick as it was last year, thus only took from 3-6. So he was able to come into the house and have a snack and come to bed for a nap before getting back up to help the hired man change water in the wheat. He got up about 7:45 and worked until 1. He came in and had some lunch and played a Star Wars game on the x-box. He is now napping. He went down about 1:30. Oh, here he is. It's 2:45 and he is going to go back to work. He is going to work over @ the building site. I'll take some more pics tonight and post those and the ones from yesterday later! Swathing the very top of the field by the ditch road.
I'm assuming this is some type of grass? IF it ever quits raining....we'll swath some bermudagrass.
We still have wheat in the field....it's too muddy to get to it.
Yes, this is a red fescue...new variety...it's a trial seed so we have 20 acres of it and this was the 2nd and last year of it!
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