What A Pukey Day (Pun Intended)
This sign was posted shortly after I had to change my bed for the second day in a row. While getting MacKenzie ready for school, the dog ran into my bedroom, jumped on the bed, and began gagging. She then threw up all over the bed (down the side) and on the floor! Of course then I had to clean it up, which almost made Mac late for school. Then I had to come home and finish cleaning it up. That required stripping the bed all over again. I had to take the comforter outside and hose it off in the grass. Oh the joys of having pets! So while I am doing this, the dog was off of the dog run. The hired man finished changing water, and came to get the gas truck to take to the other farm. The dog chased the truck all the way down the driveway to the road. I yelled and screamed for her, and she wouldn't listen to me! Finally she came back up to the house. I promptly put her back on the dog run, and she stayed there all day! She slept in the house last night, but in her jail. I will post a pic of that sometime soon. Here is a pic of her sulking by her dog run. So I cleaned the bathroom yesterday. This required me to clean the throw carpet on the floor in front of the tub. The dog came in the house one day after traipsing through the field, so she was all muddy- hence the dried mud all over the rug. I took it outside and shook it. I went into the house to get a sponge out from under the kitchen sink. And a FREAKING mouse ran across my hand! Man alive did I jump and scream! Wayne was on the phone and he started laughing at me. as soon as he got off he came outside and told me I "sure scream like a girl, and loud too!" Yeah, go figure- I am a girl! And I am loud! And I DO NOT LIKE MICE! EEEWWWW! What a day!
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